Διαδικτυακά Σεμινάρια καινοτομίας στην Νανοτεχνολογία των καθηγητών Νικολάου Πέππα και Helena Florindo

Ημερομηνία Ανακοίνωσης


The UT Austin Portugal Program, a Science and Technology Partnership between the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology  (FCT) and the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) , has announced the online "Interdisciplinary Training on Principles, Applications and Nanotechnology Innovation in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Biological Engineering and Medicine" , coordinated by Professor Nicholas Peppas (UT Austin) and Professor Helena Florindo (University of Lisbon) and contributions from Prof. Luís Graça (University of Lisbon), Dennis A. Huang (UT Austin) and Deidra A. Ward (UT Austin).

This online training program has been designed for young graduate and senior students, along with technical personnel and professors, who want to gain in-depth knowledge of nanotechnology to develop new biomedical and pharmaceutical systems or found technology-based startup companies. To make the most of this training program, participants are expected to have some academic knowledge of the topics the speakers will be digging into.

The aims of this advanced training program are:

  • To provide the chemical and physical background of nanoscale systems with an emphasis on chemistry, preparation and physical properties;
  • To design new nanotechnology-based systems for pharmaceutical and medical applications; and
  • To demonstrate how innovations using nanoscale technology will provide new medical, biological and related products.

This 14-hour course consists of 12 online sessions, taking place from October 4 to December 13 at 9 a.m. (Austin time).

Content and Time Plan:

October 4  (1 hour)

9 a.m. (Austin time) / 5:00 p.m. (Patras, Greece)

Biomedical Micro and Nanotechnology: Overview


October 11  (1 hour)

9 a.m. (Austin time) / 5:00 p.m. (Patras, Greece)

Micro-/Nanofabrication - IC and non-IC Origins


October 22 (1 hour)

9 a.m. (Austin time) / 5:00 p.m. (Patras, Greece)

Some Fundamentals of Biochemistry & Molecular Cell Biology and Physiology as Used in Nanotechnology


October 25 (1 hour)

9 a.m. (Austin time) / 5:00 p.m. (Patras, Greece)

Principles of Biomaterials in Nanotechnology


November 3  (2 hours)

9 a.m. (Austin time) / 5:00 p.m. (Patras, Greece)

Principles of Biomaterials, Bionetworks and Biohydrogels in Nanotechnology |

Micro- and Nanofluidics


November 10 (1 hour)

9 a.m. (Austin time) / 5:00 p.m. (Patras, Greece)

Principles of Diagnostic Devices & Sensors


November 15  (1 hour)

9 a.m. (Austin time) / 5:00 p.m. (Patras, Greece)

Advances in Diagnostic Devices


November 22 (1 hour)

9 a.m. (Austin time) / 5:00 p.m. (Patras, Greece)

Advances in Glucose Biosensor


November 29 (2 hours)

9 a.m. (Austin time) / 5:00 p.m. (Patras, Greece)

Nanomaterials and Quantum Dots |

Therapeutic Devices


December 6 (1 hour)

9 a.m. (Austin time) / 5:00 p.m. (Patras, Greece)

Drug Delivery Devices - Part I


December 10 (1 hour)

9 a.m. (Austin time) / 5:00 p.m. (Patras, Greece)

Drug Delivery Devices - Part II


December 13 (1 hour)

9 a.m. (Austin time) / 5:00 p.m. (Patras, Greece)

The Future of Innovation in Nanotechnology