Maria Dimarogona on Instruct-ERICs Structure Meets Function webinar

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Maria Dimarogona is one of the speakers of the Instruct-ERICs upcoming Structure Meets Function webinar taking place on June 13, 2023.

Seminar Subject: "Structural insights into carbohydrate-active enzymes for the design of plastic degrading biocatalysts"

The Structure Meets Function Webinar series showcases the latest research and developments from Instruct centres, with users highlighting the work they have carried out through Instruct visits.

Instruct-ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) is a pan-European research infrastructure in structural biology, making high-end technologies and methods available to all European researchers.
Structural Biology is one of the key frameworks for molecular and cellular functions interpretations. The main experimental technologies are complementary, and increasingly link detailed atomic structure with cellular context.
The field of structural biology is currently in the middle of a revolution enabled by significant advances in the tools (direct electron detectors in EM, advances in synchrotron sources and detectors, XFELs, ultra-high field NMR, super-resolution cryo-light microscopy).
Researchers from around the world can request access to the service/technologies offered through the Instruct-ERIC Centres, with funded access offered to researchers in our member countries and organisations.

Currently there are 14 countries and organisations who have signed up as members of the Instruct European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC).

For more information and registrations for the webinar follow the link bellow: