Module Notes

Practical Training in Industry & Enterprises

This module will not be offered for this semester
Faculty Member (Members)
4th Year
8th Semester (4th Year, Spring)
Module Type
Advanced Chemical Engineering
Module Category
Electives, Group B
Course Code:
ECTS Credits:
Module Availability on Erasmus Students:
Teaching Language:
Teaching Type
Student's office hours:
Module Details

Gain work experience and develop skills

Experience a prospective career path

Gain practical experience, by applying methods and theories learned in classes

Network with professionals of the field, for references and future job opportunities

Prior Knowledge/Skills required NONE

pre-requisites normally required (desired)  NONE

The continuous and rapid scientific and technological developments in the field of Chemical Engineering create increased demands for full and comprehensive training of students. Summer internships provide students with valuable work as well as networking experience. In the Chemical Engineering Department, practical training (job internship) is active from the mid-1980s. In 1993 became an elective course.

Internships can be important assets to students’ overall educational experience as often help them to confirm their career interests and build their resume. Moreover in some cases, can lead to full-time employment. Internships provide a hands-on opportunity in a professional setting and help students to develop soft skills and/or improve their technical skill within a practical and professional environment. Additionally, students develop important for their professional career real-world skills such as knowing how to make a good impression, communicate with others and be an organized and respected employee. Likewise, undergraduate students pursuing research opportunities enrich their academic experience and build a competitive edge in the job market.

Within this frame, students can get an internship in companies, industries or organizations of public or private-sector or research institutions with activities related to the subject of chemical engineering. The duration of the internship can be minimum one (1), one and a half (1.5) or maximum two (2) months and depends on the agreement with the institution. Internship are available during sophomore and senior years although is a course of the 8th semester.

The  internship coordinator of the Department,  with another two faculty members and a person from the administration:

  • Assist students with their internship preparation and finding an internship.
  • Work with the students to improve their interviewing techniques, sharpen their résumé writing skills, and direct them to the internship opportunities that match their interests and professional goals.

Students can locate an internship by their own or to take advantage of the existing data base of collaborating companies (more than 250) which is updated every year. Furthermore they can get support from the specifically dedicated Office “Job Practice” of the University which assists students with locating internship and research opportunities. Students may also conduct an internship in another country in the frame of the Erasmus+  Programme

Total Module Workload (ECTS Standards):

90 Hours

Oral presentation of the work performed. Gained experience and main results. Evaluation of the submitted work report.

Consideration of the employer’s evaluation report