PhD Thesis Defence Presentations - Evangelia Ioannidou

Abstract (Περίληψη)
In the present thesis targeted modifications with Au, MoOx and FexOy were applied on commercially available NiO/GDC (65 wt.% NiO – 35 wt.% Ce0.9Gd0.1O2-x) cermet, by means of deposition precipitation and deposition co-precipitation. Extensive physicochemical characterization was performed for the prepared materials, in the form of powders and as electrode films, with various surface and bulk techniques in order to extract information about their surface and bulk structure. The oxidation properties of the powders were examined in the presence of H2O and CO2, in the TGA, at 650−800 oC. Furthermore, there are reports on comparative electrocatalytic measurements of the developed materials as fuel electrodes under high temperature (800−900 oC) Η2Ο electrolysis. The single SOECs comprised a circular shaped, planar − electrolyte (8YSZ) with GDC10 (Gd0.10Ce0.90O2-x) │ LSCoF (La0.6Sr0.4Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ) as oxygen electrode.
In regards to the H2O/CO2 co-electrolysis process, it is widely accepted that the fuel solid oxide electrodes meet a complex environment, where catalytic reactions, such as the Reverse Water Gas Shift (RWGS) reaction, are coupled with electrochemical processes, such as Η2Ο and CO2 electrolysis. The extent of each reaction determines the composition of the products, i.e. H2/CO ratio. Up today, there are various H2O/CO2 co-electrolysis scenarios about the extent of CO production, resulting from the RWGS reaction or/and the CO2 electrochemical reduction. This research topic was another key part of the presented thesis.
In this respect, the examined modified 3 wt.% Au-Ni/GDC, 3 wt.% Mo-Ni/GDC, 3 wt.% Au – 3 wt.% Mo-Ni/GDC and 2 wt.% Fe-Ni/GDC electrocatalysts were also investigated, in the form of half-electrolyte supported cells, for their performance in the RWGS reaction through catalytic-kinetic measurements at 800−900 oC. The samples were tested at open circuit potential conditions (OCP), in order to elucidate their catalytic activity towards the production rate of CO (rco), which is one of the products of the H2O/CO2 co-electrolysis reaction. Through the latter approach a reference profile for the catalytic performance of the candidate electrodes was created, by applying co-electrolysis feed conditions.
In continuation to the catalytic investigation, this research focused on further elucidating the extent of the occurring electro-catalytic processes during H2O/CO2 co-electrolysis. For this reason, the electrolyte supported Ni-Ce0.9Gd0.1O2-x||ZrO2(8 mol% Y2O3)||Gd0.10Ce0.90O2-x|La0.6Sr0.4Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ SOC was examined in Η2Ο/CO2 co-electrolysis mode at 800−900 oC, by applying various pΗ2Ο/pCO2 feed ratios, in the range of 0 ≤ pΗ2Ο/pCO2 ≤ 1 and two pΗ2 values (2 and 21 kPa). The main objective was to discriminate the occurrence of individual CO2 electrolysis during polarization and the contribution of the RWGS reaction on the production rate of CO (rCO).
Speakers Short CV (Σύντομο Βιογραφικό Ομιλητή)
Evangelia Ioannidou
Birth Date: 16 May 1989
Birth Place: Kastoria, Greece
Current Address: Pamisou 35, Patra, Greece
2013 − 2016: M.Sc. in Energy and Environment (9.55/10), Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras, Greece
2007 − 2012: Diploma in Chemical Engineering (8.41/10), Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras, Greece
2004 − 2007: Certificate of Secondary School (19.4/20),1st High School of Byron, Athens, Greece
List of publications in Refereed Scientific Journals
E. Ioannidou, S.G. Neophytides and D.K. Niakolas, “Effect of the pH2O/pCO2 ratio on the electro-catalytic CΟ production pathway on Ni/GDC during solid oxide H2O/CO2 co-electrolysis”, under preparation.
Ch. Neofytidis, E. Ioannidou, M. Kollia, S.G. Neophytides and D.K. Niakolas, “The promoting effect of Fe on Ni/GDC for the Solid Oxide H2O electrolysis”, Int. Journal of Energy Research (2020) 1–14.
Ch. Neofytidis, E. Ioannidou, S.G. Neophytides and D.K. Niakolas, “Transition Metal Elements as Ni/GDC Dopants for the H2O Electrolysis Process in SOECs: Fe-Ni vs Au-Mo-Ni Interaction”, ECS Transactions, 91 (2019) 2359–2368.
E. Ioannidou, S.G. Neophytides and D.K. Niakolas, “Distinguishing the CO2 Electro-Catalytic Reduction Pathway on Modified Ni/GDC Electrodes for the SOEC H2O/CO2 Co-Electrolysis Process”, ECS Transactions, 91 (2019) 2687–2696.
E. Ioannidou, S. Neophytides, D.K. Niakolas, “Experimental Clarification of the RWGS Reaction Effect in H2O/CO2 SOEC Co-Electrolysis Conditions”, Catalysts, 9 (2019) 1−19.
Ch. Neofytidis, E. Ioannidou, L. Sygellou, M. Kollia, D.K. Niakolas, “Affecting the H2O electrolysis process in SOECs through modification of NiO/GDC; Experimental case of Au-Mo-Ni synergy”, Journal of Catalysis, 373 (2019) 260−275.
Ε. Ioannidou, Ch. Neofytidis, L. Syggelou, D.K. Niakolas, “Au-doped Ni/GDC as an improved cathode electrocatalyst for H2O electrolysis in SOECs”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 236 (2018) 253−264.
E. Ioannidou, Ch. Neofytidis, S.G. Neophytides and D.K. Niakolas, “Investigation of modified Ni/GDC electrode materials for the H2O/CO2 co-electrolysis processes in SOECs”, ECS Transactions, 78 (2017) 3267–3274.
E. Ioannidou, Z. Frontistis, M. Antonopoulou, D. Venieri, I. Konstantinou, D.I. Kondarides, D. Mantzavinos, “Solar photocatalytic degradation of sulfamethoxazole over tungsten – Modified TiO2”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 318 (2017) 143–152.
E. Ioannidou, A. Ioannidi, Z. Frontistis, M. Antonopoulou, C. Tselios, D. Tsikritzis, I. Konstantinou, S. Kennou, D.I. Kondarides, D. Mantzavinos, “Correlating the properties of hydrogenated titania to reaction kinetics and mechanism for the photocatalytic degradation of bisphenol A under solar irradiation”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 188 (2016) 65–76.
A. Petala, E. Ioannidou, A. Georgaka, K. Bourikas, D.I. Kondarides, “Hysteresis phenomena and rate fluctuations under conditions of glycerol photo-reforming reaction over CuOx/TiO2 catalysts”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 178 (2015) 201–209.
2013 – 2015: LIMMAT Foundation Award of Excellence, granted Award for ranking (1st) in the graduate course program (M.Sc.) of the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras.
2012: Technical Chamber of Greece Award: 2nd place among Chemical Engineering Graduates of 2012 from University of Patras.
2010 – 2011: Award from the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras, for ranking (1st) in the class.
2007 – 2009: Scholarships from the National Institute of Scholarships (I.K.Y.) for Outstanding Undergraduate Student Excellence.