Module Notes

Materials Laboratory

This module will not be offered for this semester
Faculty Member (Members)
3rd Year
5th Semester (3rd Year, Fall)
Module Type
Advanced Chemical Engineering
Module Category
Compulsory Modules
Course Code:
Course URL:
ECTS Credits:
Module Availability on Erasmus Students:
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Teaching Type
Student's office hours:
Module Details

Understanding of the principles and procedures which concern:

  • Treatment and preparation of metallic specimens for optical observation.  
  • Processes required for the hardening of metals with desirable results.
  • Hardness measurements of the metallic samples surfaces
  • Thermal analysis of metals and their alloys
  • Construction of phase diagrams using experimental data

Ability to:

  • combine theoretical fundamentals (from the module “Materials Science ”) with results obtained during the experiments and analyses in order to program processes (thermal, mechanical, etc.) with desired results (technological properties of metals),
  • estimate the thermal and mechanical prehistory of the metallic samples with macroscopic observations     

Ability to use equipment and tools for sample preparation (cutting devices, hydraulic mounting press, polishing, etching, laboratory muffle furnaces, temperature measurement devices) as well as to use optical devices (microscopes, stereoscopes)

Ability to cooperate with others and to present and discuss results within a group.

There are no prerequisite modules. The students should have a basic knowledge of Material Science I.

̶   Preparation of metallic specimens for metallographic observation. 

̶   Sectioning of metallographic samples by a discotom.

̶   Hot mounting of the sample in the appropriate resin.

̶   Stepwise polishing of mounted sample. 

̶   Chemical etching of the metallic sample.

̶   Observation of a metallic cross-section by optical microscope. Drawing conclusions on  the type and the structure of the observed sample.

̶   Thermal analysis of metals and their alloys.

̶   Methods for temperature measurements.

̶   Construction of a two component phase diagram.

̶   Hardening of plain and alloyed steels with rapid local heating and cooling device Jomini (Martensitic transition)

̶   Influence of the hardening on the crystalline structure and the technological properties.  

̶   Hardness measurement on metal samples and construction of diagrams.

̶   Conclusions and comparison of the results among the plain steel and their alloys. 

̶                Correlation of the obtained measurement results with the CCT (continuous cooling transformation) diagrams (cooling rate, hardness).

Teaching Organization


Total Module Workload (ECTS Standards):

75 Hours

1. Oral presentation by each group of students (70% of the final mark).

2. Tests and participation in the laboratory (30% of the final mark).

1. Instructor’s notes

2. “Μεταλλογνωσία” (Κράματα, Μέταλλα, Βιομηχανικά Κράματα), Κ. Κονοφάγος

3. “Εισαγωγή στην Επιστήμη των Υλικών- Μεταλλογνωσία”, Π. Νικολόπουλος.

4. “Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction” William D. Callister.