
Constantine Galiotis

Professor Emeritus
Appointment Pending
Aristeion of Academy of Athens in the Natural Sciences 2019 , Elected Member of EuRASc, Elected member of the Scientific Council of ELIDEK, Elected member of the Graphene Flagship Executive Board, National Representative in the Graphene FET Flagship
Materials Science and Technology
Final: galiotis@chemeng.upatras.gr,
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ChemengUser, Emeritus
Visiting Professor
Curriculum Details
  • Department of Chemistry, University of Athens, 1977
  • Ph.D., Department of Materials Science, University of London, 1981

Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes

  • Mechanical properties in tension and compression
  • Surface modification and structural characterisation
  • Production of nanocomposites


  • Stress/ strain sensing
  • Interfacial measurements
  • Micromechanics of reinforcement
  • Strain mapping
  • Modes of Failure
  • Mechanical characterisation
  • Smart Structures


  • Modelling structure/ property behaviour in semi-crystalline polymers
  • Morphological and structural characterisation of moulded polymers
  • Spectroscopic characterisation of polymers

 Non-Destructive Testing of Materials

  • Application of Laser Raman spectroscopy for stress or strain measurements in fibres and composites to both polymeric and ceramic based composites
  • “Failure Processes in Embedded Monolayer Graphene under Axial Compression” by Ch. Androulidakis, E.N. Koukaras, O. Frank, G. Tsoukleri, D. Sfyris, J. Parthenios, N. Pugno,  K. Papagelis, K.S. Novoselov, C. Galiotis, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS (Nature), 4, 5271, DOI:10.1038/srep05271 (2014).

  • “Development of a universal stress sensor for graphene and carbon fibres” by O. Frank, G. Tsoukleri, I. Riaz, K. Papagelis, J. Parthenios, A.C. Ferrari, A.K. Geim, K. S. Novoselov, C. Galiotis,  Nature Comms, 2/255, 2011.

  • Subjecting a Graphene Monolayer to Tension and Compressionby G. Tsoukleri, J. Parthenios, K. Papagelis, R. Jalil, A.C. Ferrari, A.K. Geim, K.S. Novoselov, and C. Galiotis, Small, 2397-240: 25/21, 2009.

  • “Chemical Oxidation of Multi Walled Carbon Nanotubes” by V. Datsyuk, M. Kalyva, K. Papagelis, J. Parthenios, D. Tasis, A. Siokou, I. Kallitsis and C. Galiotis, Carbon, 833-840: 46/6, 2008.

  • Stress generation by shape memory alloy wires embedded in polymer composites” by D. Bollas, P. Pappas, J. Parthenios and C. Galiotis, Acta materialia, 5489-5499: 55/16, 2007.

  • “Effect of Stress and Temperature on the Optical Phonons of Aramid Fibers” by D. Bollas, J. Parthenios and C. Galiotis, Physical Review B, 73, 094103, 2006.

  • “An experimental and theoretical study of the stress transfer problem in fibrous composites”, by G. Anagnostopoulos, J. Parthenios, A.G. Andreopoulos  and C. Galiotis, Acta Materialia, 4173-4183: 53/15, 2005.

Publications Full List (File):
Full CV (File):
Honors & Awards:
  • The Aristeion of Academy of Athens in the Natural Sciences for the year 2019 (it is the annual top prize for a specific discipline)
  • Elected Member of the European Academy of Sciences (EuRASc) (2019)
  • Elected member of the Scientific Council of Greek Foundation for Research and Innovation (ELIDEK) (2017-Current)
  •  Elected Member of the Graphene Flagship Executive Board of (2016-current).
  • “Pericles Theocaris” Award - Academy of Athens (December 2015), for the scientific publication "Curvature dependent surface energy for a free standing monolayer graphene: Some closed form solutions of the non-linear theory" (D. Sfyris, G. I. Sfyris and C. Galiotis, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 67:186-197, 2014).
  • Appointment as a National Representative for Greece in the Horizon 2020 Programme Committee of Nanotechnology, Materials, Processes and Biotechnology (2011-2018).
  • Appointment in the FP7 Programme Committee as a National Representative of Nanotechnology, Materials and Processes (FP7-NMP) for Greece (2011-2013).
  • National Representative in the Graphene FET Flagship (since 2012).
  • Award of The John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation for the project “Mechanical behaviour of two-dimensional crystals: The case of graphene” (2010).
  • Elected Member of the Executive Council of the European Association of Composite Materials (1999-2012).
  • Member of the Board of Directors of Nanofun-Poly Network of Excellence (2004-2008).
  • Elected President of the European Association of Composite Materials (2004-2006).
  • Institute of Materials top prizes for research papers (1990,’91,’93).
  • British Government Scholarship (1978-91).
  • Du Pont Young Faculty Award (1989-90).
  • Second Prize of Greek Mathematical Society (1972).