
John Tsamopoulos

Appointment Pending
Process & Environmental Engineering
+30 2610 997203
+30 2610 997384
Final: tsamo@chemeng.upatras.gr,
Other Links:
Office hours
ChemengUser, DEP
Visiting Professor
Curriculum Details
  • Diploma, Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, 1979.
  • M.S. Chemical Engineering, Mass. Inst. of Technology, 1981.
  • Ph.D.,Chemical Engineering, Mass. Inst. of Technology, 1985.

1. Interfacial phenomena

  • Nonlinear analysis of fluid flow with free and moving boundaries
  • Stability and Dynamic analysis of liquid films over solid and liquid substrates

Indicative applications:

  1. Determination of conditions leading to different flow patterns (trickling, pulsing, spray, bubble) in packed beds.
  2. Motion, interaction, coagulation and removal of drops and bubbles from their suspensions in Newtonian and nonNewtonian liquids
  3. Film flow of micro-structured liquids over solid substrates with variable topography.
  4. Cavitation and fibrillation during the extensional flow and the probe test of adhesive (polymeric) materials

2. Fluid Mechanics and Transport Phenomena applied in the production of new materials

  • Operation limits and dynamics of processes used in the fabrication of polymeric, ceramic and electronic materials.

Indicative applications:

  1. Study of the Film-Blowing process for the production of thin polymeric films.
  2. Study of polymer extrusion to determine the conditions leading to unacceptable deformation of their surface and variation of their thickness.
  3. Study of the Blow-Molding process for the production of plastic containers
  4. Study of the Spin-Coating Process for the production of electronic storage devices
  5. Fabrication of new materials by Chemical Vapor Infiltration & Chemical Vapor Deposition.

3. Applied mathematics and computational Analysis

  • Computer-aided process and stability analysis based on bifurcation theory.
  • Development of modern computational methods combining Finite Elements, Boundary Elements, Spectral Elements, Finite Differences etc. and their optimization depending on the application
  • Singular perturbation methods using symbolic manipulators.
  • Varchanis, S., Haward, S.J., Hopkins C.C., Syrakos, A., Shen, A.Q., Dimakopoulos, Y. and Tsamopoulos, J., Transition between solid and liquid state of yield-stress fluids under purely extensional deformations”, Proceed. National Academy of Sciences, USA (PNAS) 117 (23) 12611-12617 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1922242117

  • Varchanis, S., Syrakos, A., Dimakopoulos, Y. and Tsamopoulos, J. PEGAFEM-V: A new Petrov-Galerkin Finite Element Method for free surface viscoelastic flows”, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 284, 104365 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnnfm.2020.104365

  • Moschopoulos, P., Syrakos, Al., Dimakopoulos, Y., and Tsamopoulos, J., “Dynamics of viscoplastic filament stretching”, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 284, 104371 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnnfm.2020.104371

  • Marousis, A., Pettas, D., Karapetsas, G. Dimakopoulos, Y. and Tsamopoulos, J. "Stability analysis of viscoelastic film flows over an inclined substrate with rectangular trenches” J. Fluid Mech., 915, A98, (2021) https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2021.163

  • Kordalis, A. Varchanis, S. Ioannou, G. Dimakopoulos, Y. and Tsamopoulos, J. “Investigation of the extensional properties of elasto-visco-plastic materials in cross-slot geometries” J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 296, 104627 (2021), 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2021.104627




Publications Full List (File):
Full CV (File):
Honors & Awards:


  • 1978 & 1979:                    Prizes of the Technical Chamber of Greece.
  • 1976 - 1979:                     Greek Scholarship Foundation Awards.
  • 1980:                                "17th November 1973" prize, Technical Chamber of Greece.Awarded for highest academic performance among all students at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA).
  • 1980:                                 Chryssoverghis Prize, National Technical University of Athens. Awarded to the student ranking first overall in each graduating class in the School of Chemical Engineering.
  • Fall 1979-Spring 1982:      Departmental Fellow, MIT, funded consecutively by A.D. Little, DuPont, Union Carbide, Halcon International companies.
  • 1992, 1996, 2006:             Who’s Who in Science and Engin., New Providence NJ, (USA),
  • 2001 – 2005, 2008-2009:  Who’s Who in the World, New Providence, NJ, (USA).
  • 2007, Fall:                         The presentation entitled: “Steady bubble rise and deformation in Bingham fluids and conditions for their entrapment with Y. Dimakopoulos, N. Chatzidai, G. Karapetsas, M. Pavlidis, received the Best paper award in the 2nd Conference on Viscoplasticity: from Theory to Application, Ticino, SWITZERLAND, October 2007.
  • 2016, Spring:                Nelder Visiting Fellowship, Department of Mathematics, Imperial College (Sabbatical Leave) https://www.imperial.ac.uk/natural-sciences/departments/mathematics/research/nelder-visiting-fellowships/professor-john-tsamopoulos/
  • 2016, Fall:                     Fellow of the American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, https://www.aps.org/units/dfd/fellowship/index.cfm?year=2016
  • 2018, Spring:                Our paper entitled: “How viscoelastic is human blood plasma?” (Α104) below, was featured in the inside front cover of the Journal “Soft Matter”
  • 2019, Spring:                Our paper entitled: “The PAL (Penalized Augmented Lagrangian) method for computing viscoplastic flows: A new fast converging scheme” (A105) below, with Dimakopoulos, Y., Makrygiorgos, G., and Georgiou, G. has been selected as the best paper of the Journal of NonNewt Fluid Mech. and winner of the 2018 Walters Award. The award will be made at the 2019 Society of Rheology meeting in Rayleigh, North Carolina.
  • 2019, Spring:                Our poster entitled: “Dynamics of elasto-visco-plastic materials in a strong extensional flow”, (B248) below, with G. Ioannou, S. Varchanis and Y. Dimakopoulos, has been selected as the best poster presentation in the 12th PanHellenic Scientific Conference in Chemical Engineering, in Athens, GREECE.
  • 2019, Summer:            Our poster entitled: “The dynamic response of elastoviscoplastic fluids under extension”, (B251) below, with P. Moschopoulos, K. Psaraki, A. Syrakos and Y. Dimakopoulos, has been selected as the best poster presentation in the 9th International Conference of the Hellenic Society of Rheology, Samos, GREECE.
  • 2019, Fall:                     Our paper entitled: “Viscoelastic film flows over an inclined substrate with sinusoidal topography, I. Steady State”, (A110) below, with Pettas, D., Karapetsas, G., and Dimakopoulos, Y., was selected as Editor’s Suggestion, in the Physical Review Fluids Journal.
  • 2019, Fall:                     Our paper entitled: “Viscoelastic film flows over an inclined substrate with sinusoidal topography, II. Linear stability analysis” (A111) below, with Pettas, D., Karapetsas, G., and Dimakopoulos, Y., was selected as Editor’s Suggestion, in the Physical Review Fluids Journal.
  • 2019, Fall:                     Our paper entitled: “The rising velocity of a slowly pulsating bubble in a shear-thinning fluid”, (A112) below, with De Corato, M., and Y. Dimakopoulos, was selected as Editor’s choice, in the Physics of Fluids Journal.
  • 2020, Spring:                Our paper entitled: “Asymmetric flows of complex fluids past confined cylinders: A comprehensive numerical study with experimental validation”, (A116) below, with Varchanis, S., Cameron C. Hopkins, A. Q. Shen, and S. J. Haward, was selected as featured article in the May 2020 issue of the Physics of Fluids Journal.


  • 1988-2001: Μέλος του Εθνικού Γνωμοδοτικού Συμβουλίου Έρευνας (ΕΓΣΕ) του Υπουργείου Ανάπτυξης.
  • Μέλος της εκδοτικής επιτροπής και συντάκτης του εισαγωγικού σημειώματος (μαζί με τον Δ. Βλασσόπουλο) του ειδικού τεύχους του περιοδικού Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 102(2) (2002), που ήταν αφιερωμένη στον Καθ. Α. Ακριβό με την ευκαιρία της συνταξιοδότησής του από Ινστιτούτο Levich του Πανεπιστημίου CCNY.
  • 2002-present: Μέλος της Εκδοτικής Επιτροπής (Editorial Board) του περιοδικού Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics.
  • Μέλος της εκδοτικής επιτροπής (Editorial Board) με τους Ian Frigaard, John Billingham and Marcio Carvalho του ειδικού τεύχους με αντικείμενο “Complex Flows and Fluids” του περιοδικού “Journal of Engineering Mathematics”, 71(1), (2011).
  • 2011-present: Member of the editorial Board of the International Scholarly Research Network (ISRN) Chemical Engineering2011-present
  • 2015-present: Member of the editorial Board of The Open Chemical Engineering Journal
  • 2019-present: Member of the advisory board of the Journal “Physics of Fluids” appointment starting October 2019.