
Panayiotis Vafeas

Associate Professor
Appointment Pending
Process & Environmental Engineering
+302610996872 / +302610969581
Final: vafeas@chemeng.upatras.gr,
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Office hours
ChemengUser, DEP
Visiting Professor
Curriculum Details
  • Diploma in Chemical Engineering, University of Patras, 1997.
  • Postgraduate Master of Sciences (Master's), Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras, 2003.
  • Doctorate Diploma (Ph.D. Thesis), Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras, 2003.
  • Partial differential equations of mathematical physics.
  • Analytical and hybrid methods in physics and in engineering.
  • Theory and applications of the ellipsoidal geometry.
  • Fluid dynamics, creeping hydrodynamics and magnetic fluids.
  • Electromagnetism and low frequency scattering.
  • Electric and magnetic activity of the brain.
  • Scattering of elastic waves from isotropic and anisotropic materials.
  • Mathematical simulation of cancer tumour growth.
  • Modeling of cold atmospheric pressure plasma jet systems.
  • P. Vafeas & G. Dassios, “Stokes flow in ellipsoidal geometry”, Journal of Mathematical Physics (J. Math. Phys.), 47 (093102), 1–38 (2006).

  • V. Sevroglou & P. Vafeas, “2D elastic scattering of a plane dyadic wave by a small rigid body and cavity”, ZAMM – Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (Z. Angew. Math. Mech.), 88, 227–238 (2008).

  • P.K. Papadopoulos, P. Vafeas, P. Svarnas, K. Gazeli, P.M. Hatzikonstantinou, A. Gkelios & F. Clément, “Interpretation of the gas flow field modification induced by guided streamer (‘plasma bullet’) propagation”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.), 47 (425203), 1–16 (2014).

  • G. Perrusson, P. Vafeas, I.Κ. Chatjigeorgiou & D. Lesselier, “Low–frequency on–site identification of a highly conductive body buried in Earth from a model ellipsoid”, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics (IMA J. Appl. Math.), 80, 963–980 (2015).

  • P. Vafeas, “On the integro–differential general solution for the unsteady micropolar Stokes flow of a conducting ferrofluid”, Quarterly of Applied Mathematics (Quart. Appl. Math.), 76, 19–37 (2018).

  • M. Doschoris, P. Vafeas & G. Fragoyiannis “The influence of surface deformations on the forward magnetoencephalographic problem”, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics (SIAM J. Appl. Math.), 78, 963–976 (2018).

  • P. Vafeas, P.K. Papadopoulos, G.P. Vafakos, P. Svarnas & M. Doschoris, “Modelling the electric field in reactors yielding cold atmospheric–pressure plasma jets”, Scientific Reports (Sci. Rep.), 10 (5694), 1–15 (2020).

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