
Konstantinos Dassios

Assistant Professor
Appointment Pending
Materials Science and Technology
Final: kdassios@chemeng.upatras.gr,
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Office hours
Wednesday 12.00-15.00, https://upatras-gr.zoom.us/j/97691547663?pwd=M3kwMk5WcnIza3djWUZGb2dON3I2QT09
ChemengUser, DEP
Visiting Professor
Curriculum Details

1996: Diploma in Chemical Engineering, Dipl.-Ing., Dept. of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras, Greece

1998: MSc, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

2003: PhD, Institute for Energy (IE), Directorate General Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission, Petten, The Netherlands



  • Processing and characterization of mechanical, transport and smart properties of nano-modified (graphene, carbon nanotubes) ceramics and cement-based materials
  • Dispersion of carbon nanospecies in aqueous media
  • Synthesis of graphene and aligned carbon nanotube arrays
  • Processing and characterization of composites with aligned CNT

Experimental Fracture Behaviour of Materials

  • Damage monitoring by Infrared Thermography
  • Micromechanics of reinforcement
  • Fracture, crack growth
  • Residual properties
  • Successful polymer impregnation of mm-high vertically aligned carbon nanotube forests, synthesized in house by Chemical Vapor Deposition, for the production and characterization of z-reinforced nanocomposite mats
  • Development of fully-dense nano-modified multifunctional ceramic materials by high shear compaction and spark plasma sintering
  • Significant contribution towards optimization of sonication parameters for the homogeneous dispersion of carbon nanotube in aqueous solutions provided important answers
  • Development of “smart” cement with embedded nanoscale strain and damage sensors
  • Assessment of crack propagation in ceramic composites using infrared thermography
  • Development of revolutionary technique for the fast assessment of the fatigue limit of materials
  • First experimental proof of residual stress-related common intersection points during cyclic loading of ceramic matrix composites
  • First experimental measurement, at the microscale, of bridging stresses
  • H. Mei, Υ. Yan, L. Feng, K.G. Dassios, H. Zhang, L. Cheng, First printing of continuous fibers into ceramics, 2019, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 102(6), pp. 3244-3255

  • I.Κ. Tragazikis, K.G. Dassios, P.T. Dalla, D.A. Exarchos, T.E. Matikas, Acoustic emission investigation of the effect of graphene on the fracture behavior of cement mortars, 2019, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 210, pp. 444-451

  • K.G. Dassios, P. Alafogianni, S.K. Antiohos, C.  Leptokaridis, N.M. Barkoula, T.E. Matikas, Optimization of sonication parameters for homogeneous surfactant assisted dispersion of multiwalled carbon nanotubes in aqueous solutions, 2015, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119(13), pp. 7506-7516

  • K.G. Dassios, D.G. Aggelis, E.Z. Kordatos, T.E. Matikas, Cyclic loading of a SiC-fiber reinforced ceramic matrix composite reveals damage mechanisms and thermal residual stress state, 2013, Composites A 44(1), pp. 105-113

  • K.G. Dassios, E.Z. Kordatos, D.G. Aggelis, T.E. Matikas, Crack growth monitoring in ceramic matrix composites by combined infrared thermography and acoustic emission, 2014, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 97(1), pp. 251-257

  • ) E.Z. Kordatos, K.G. Dassios, D.G. Aggelis, T.E. Matikas, Rapid evaluation of the fatigue limit in composites using infrared lock-in thermography and acoustic emission, 2013, Mechanics Research Communications 54, pp. 14-20

  • K.G. Dassios, C. Galiotis, Polymer-nanotube interaction in MWCNT/poly(vinyl alcohol) composite mats, 2012, Carbon 50(11), pp. 4291-4294

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