All News and Announces


The Department of Chemical Engineering of the University of Patras (DCE-UP) invites applications for the admission of twenty (20) graduate students in the Fall Semester of the 2019-2020 academic year. The DCE…
The partnership of two laboratories of our department led to a front cover article publication of the ChemElectroChem Journal (IF 3.98). The laboratory of Chemical & Electrochemical Processes (Prof. Alexandros…
Yannis Dimakopoulos, Georgios Makrigiorgos, Georgios Georgiou, John Tsamopoulos are the 2018 Walters Prize winners. The Editors of the Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (JNNFM) and Elsevier announced the winners…
The 5th Workshop for Graduates and Post-Docs in Chemical Engineering Sciences (CES-WGP5) in Patras, Greece, co-organized by FORTH/ICE-HT and the …
The Department of Chemical Engineering of the University of Patras (DCE-UP) invites applications for the admission of twenty (20) graduate students in the Fall Semester of the 2019-2020 academic year. The DCE Graduate…
The Department of Chemical Engineering of the University of Patras (DCE-UP) invites applications for the admission of twenty (20) graduate students in the Spring Semester of the 2019-2020 academic year. The DCE Graduate…
The partnership of three laboratories of our department led to an inside back cover article publication of the Nanoscale magazine (IF 7.23). The laboratory of Polymers led by professor…
The Vayenas International Symposium on Physical Chemistry and its Applications for Sustainable Development, is dedicated to honoring the lifetime achievements of Prof. Constantinos Vayenas, a renowned figure in the…
Ιn the context of celebrating 40 years of operation Department of Chemical Enginnering organized the 1st Alumni Symposium. The Symposium took…
In Athens on the first of November 2017, an event was organised to mark the international accreditation of the Diploma of the Department of Chemical Engineering of University of Patras, as an Integrated Master of…
Prof. Dionissios Mantzavinos has assumed the role of Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology. The journal, with an impact factor of 3.135, belongs to the Society of Chemical Industry (…
On Friday, May 12 the Department of Chemical Engineering, condacted a Tree Planting Activity in the surrounding areas of our buildings. In the effort we make for the environmental and aesthetic upgrading of the…
In the framework of the European Project Waste4Think experimental runs are in progress in the Laboratory of Biochemical Engineering and Environmental Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras…
In the Applied Mathematics Laboratory there is conducted every Monday 15.00-18.00 and since 1989 an advanced Course-Seminar, associated with subjects of Mathematical Methods in Science and Technology. The duration of…
Why chemical engineering matters? A very good brochure of IChemE (Institution of Chemical Engineers). A text that helps those who want to study, our students and those who have already studied to understand the…