Research Highlights

A research article was published today in Nature Nanotechnology journal which paves the way for new methods of art conservation by the Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Laboratory. The innovative idea of using…
The planned activities are: the design and building up of a Training Center, where EU and AZ universities and stakeholders will share their experiences and new technical and scientific knowledge in the field of…
Superlubricity, the sliding regime between two materials in which friction or resistance to sliding vanishes, expected capable of minimizing wear on length scales ranging from the nanoscale to the macroscale,…
Associate Professor Yannis Dimakopoulos was appointed as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering of Elsevier Publishing House. The JPSE is an international, peer-reviewed, Journal. The…
Experiments confirm numerical predictions for the normal stresses and extensional properties of elasto-viscoplastic materials -  a fruitful collaboration of…
Prof. Vlasis Mavrantzas was appointed Editor-in-Chief of the Polymer Physics Section of Polymers. Polymers (ISSN 2073-4360) is an international, peer-…
Another paper coming from the Department's Nanotechnology and Advanced Μaterials Laboratory (3rd) was published in Nature (Comms).  Superlubricity - an…
The partnership of two laboratories of our department led to a front cover article publication of the ChemElectroChem Journal (IF 3.98). The laboratory of Chemical & Electrochemical Processes (Prof. Alexandros…
Yannis Dimakopoulos, Georgios Makrigiorgos, Georgios Georgiou, John Tsamopoulos are the 2018 Walters Prize winners. The Editors of the Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (JNNFM) and Elsevier announced the winners…
The partnership of three laboratories of our department led to an inside back cover article publication of the Nanoscale magazine (IF 7.23). The laboratory of Polymers led by professor…
In the framework of the European Project Waste4Think experimental runs are in progress in the Laboratory of Biochemical Engineering and Environmental Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras…
At the ceremonial session which took place at the Academy of Athens on December 23rd 2015, the Academic Prize Pericles S. Theocharis was awarded as the best project in the field of Engineering, to the publication “…
In the conference of Viscoelastic Fluids held in Banff, Canada from 25th until 30th of October 2015 entitled “Viscoelastic Fluids: From Theory to Application” Professor John…